Just three short months ago, 64% of us – an estimated 164 million Americans – made New Year’s Resolutions.

I know I was one of them! One of my goals was to finally master the ability to wake up early. You’d think that as the mother of many, many small children that waking up early would just come naturally to me. In fact, you probably wonder if I even get any sleep at all.

Fortunately for everyone, I do get sleep. A lot of sleep. I love to sleep. I love it so much that when my alarm clock goes off each morning, I have to stop myself from throwing it across the room.

Every year for the last decade (at least), I have made a resolution to learn how to wake up early. Not just wake up, mind you – but actually get out of bed, drink the lemon water, do the quiet time, exercise, get a head start on the day, start the laundry, shower, greet the children…with a smile, cook a healthy, hearty breakfast, fix the hair, clean the kitchen, and slay the morning kind of wake up.

In my mind, if I could just simply turn myself into a morning person, I would live the perfect life. I would be the perfect wife and mother. I would never have any stress because I would be in control of my day.

With a “WHY” like that, how is it that I keep failing at this one, seemingly simple task? And when I say ‘fail’, I mean FAIL. Like, miserably fail…Fall-asleep-in-my-reading-chair, give-the-kids-all-the-cereal, and dry-shampoo-the-hair kind of fail.

I tell myself it’s okay. I tell myself that I can just try again. But deep down, I feel disappointed. I feel like I’ve let myself down. Again.

I know I’m not alone in this. In fact, only an estimated 8% of us actually keep their New Year’s resolutions. That means 92% of us fail.

With odds like that, why do we even try??

I’ll tell you why.

It’s because we all dream of becoming a better version of ourselves. We all have weaknesses – whether we like to admit them or not. We all have areas in our lives that we wish were different. And setting New Year’s resolutions give us that opportunity to work on these things.

Setting New Years resolutions has become a part of the culture, hasn’t it? Especially at the start of 2020. Not only was it the start of a new year, but it was the start of a new decade! A chance for a fresh start. When I set my resolutions this year, I felt like I was a part of a community. Everyone around me was dreaming. Planning. Wishing. Hoping….

It is now three months later.

For the most part, the chatter about this new decade has been replaced by talk of the upcoming presidential election or scares over the coronavirus.

Where are the vision boards? Where are the inspirational social media posts?

Today, I want to remind you of your goals. If you have fallen off track, I want to help you get back on. The year is still young. The decade is still in its infancy! You still have time to become the absolute best version of you – and you can start RIGHT NOW!!

Here are some helpful tips to get you going again:

  1. Re-visit your goals. Have you even looked at your goals since you wrote them down three months ago? Backing up even further….did you even write your goals down?? Start here. Remember what you wanted to work on and why.
  2. Re-evaluate your goals. Perhaps your situation may have changed over the last few months. Some of the goals you set might not be applicable anymore. Other goals – maybe you’ve mastered them already! Re-evaluate what goals you want to continue to pursue, and what goals you can drop. (It is okay to do that if they are not applicable anymore! All the perfectionists out there repeat after me: “IT IS OKAY TO DROP GOALS WHEN NECESSARY!”)
  3. Re-commit to your goals! Once you have reminded yourself of your goals, considered your why, and narrowed down your list, it’s GO TIME!! Pick one goal to work on at a time. Give yourself a deadline to accomplish that goal. Write that deadline down on your calendar. Have a plan for how you will accomplish it. Select a way you will reward yourself once you do! Then using that same process, steadily work your way down your list of goals – one at a time – until you have become one of those amazing 8% of people who actually reach their dreams!

Me? How am I doing? I wouldn’t say I’m a morning person. Yet. My family had the flu for practically the entire month of February (I wish I was exaggerating), and I will admit I used that as an excuse to sleep in on some weekday mornings when I should have been up sanitizing the bathroom.

In the past, I would have operated on an “all or nothing” mentality, concluded that I just wasn’t a morning person, and let myself off the hook until December rolled around again.

Not this year! I’m recommitting to this goal. I’m going to challenge myself to wake up before 6:00 at least 5 mornings each week for an entire month. My daughter made me a habit tracker to help me track my progress.

Two days in, and I’m slaying mornings again!

What goal will you recommit to today? Share it with us and we can hold each other accountable together! You aren’t in this alone!