The Maple Tree Cancer Alliance EOI Exam Only option allows you to take the EOI certification only. It is not required to purchase the preparation materials to be eligible to sit for the EOI exam, and purchasing the materials does not guarantee a passing score on the exam. This option is most appropriate for candidates who have received formal education in related fields, such as exercise physiology, allied health, human biomechanics, or athletic training, and have significant experience with clinical exercise physiology.

You will have sixty (60) days to take the exam once you have purchased the EOI Exam Only option.

You are required to upload proof of your diploma, or proof of graduation in no more than 180 days. If you require an exception, you must also upload the Exception Form found at

By clicking “Purchase EOI Exam Only”, you are agreeing to the following attestations, and further understand that MTCA may revoke the EOI credential if any false information is provided or testing rules of conduct or MTCA Code of Ethics are violated:

  1. I have been advised that the Exam Candidate Handbook is available for review at and I agree to abide by its rule and policies, including the eligibility requirements, testing rules of conduct, and the EOI Code of Ethics.
  2. I have read the terms and conditions and privacy policy found at
  3. I am the candidate who will take the certification exam and no other person is completing this attestation on my behalf. Further, I will present a valid, government-issued identification with a photograph at the time of testing.
  4. I possess either a Bachelors’ degree, or the equivalent, or will have it within 180 days of taking the certification exam.
  5. I understand MTCA conducts monthly random audits and I may be asked to provide proof of a diploma.
  6. I will have a valid Adult CPR/AED certification that includes live, hands-on training before taking the certification exam and must present proof at the at the time of testing to be admitted.
  7. I understand that by purchasing the EOI Exam Only, I have 60 days to take the examination via Live Remote Proctoring.